Price Match Guarantee

At Green, we proudly stand by our promise to provide our customers with the best value in town. For this reason, Green offers price match guarantee.

This means that if one of our customers find a better price on an exact matching product, we will match the price at checkout. That’s right, find a product cheaper anywhere else in Las Vegas, we will match the competing price at checkout in-store. Just another reason why Green Cannabis Co. is rated the #1 local’s choice dispensary in Las Vegas.

*Product must be an exact match by brand, product type, strain, and expiration date. Management reserves all rights. Cannot combine with other discounts. Restrictions apply. Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older.

Step 1:

Find an exact match of your purchased product at another dispensary.

Step 2:

Visit Green with real-time proof of competing priced product.

Step 3:

A manager will price match the selected product for your purchase.